Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Today is the first day in the rest of my Blog

Just by the way of introduction, I am a men's councillor working in Ontario, Canada. I co-lead a regular group meeting of men who have been convicted of Domestic Assault and I co-lead another group of Dad's who want parenting skills and support.

I have begun this blog to provide a forum for discussions about troubles in relationships.
My hope is to put some real issues before you and hear how you respond! I'm hoping there can be some meaningful feedback and discussion about fair, equal, responsible and respectful relationships. What do we personally need in a relationship? What's fair and what's unfair? What are the most common challenges we face in a family and for that matter what is a family? Who gets the control in a relationship?

If you have some strong thoughts on these subjects or other subject related to family, speakup, lets hear them. Please, as you are writing, be respectful of the people you are writing about. Be confidential, you may tell people your name and your situation but if you bring others into the discussion please write so their identities remain anonomous. (That is a huge part of being respectful)

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